Posts in Current
The Gayest Movies That Are Technically Not Gay

Are you queer? Are you desperate for a movie about queer culture that doesn’t end with the most devastating plotline of all time? Unfortunately, the list of films that check both of those boxes is quite slim. Until the Hollywood powers-that-be grace us with some better options than the classic queer tragedies, I have compiled a list of deeply queer-coded films to scratch that itch.

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“At Least I Tried To Do Something” a Story of Organizing on Campus

Let me be clear, this isn’t something I get paid for, or that I do because it’s fun, or because I believe there’s a level of political gain. Anyone who has any knowledge of survivorship or sexual violence can tell you that speaking out about it scares people in power. They can also tell you that survivors and those who advocate for them are forced out of political and social arenas as well. But I do this work because I want to help people.

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Campus, CurrentThe Rival American
Don't Worry, Wonks

A very small, independent, underground film that had almost zero marketing or drama surrounding it was released this weekend. I couldn’t tell you what it was, though, because I was in theaters watching Don't Worry Darling.

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CurrentMarissa Sasso
Gender-Neutral Bathrooms and Where to Find Them

“For how fucking gay this schools is, we’re definitely going to make sure we have the most LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and resources” is certainly a thought you’d hope would go through administration’s head. That’d be a pretty good start in building a community of care and instilling that changemaker spirit. Challenge accepted, right?

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Campus, CurrentRow Sullivan