Songs of Us


Jan. 3rd

10 minutes will feel like merely a few

Time seems to mean nothing when I am with you

Blue eyes, gold hair on a pillow

The cocking of your eyebrow and click of your teeth

Something in your eyes.

All the rules have flown out the window for good

And though I don’t know for sure

I think I have a guess

Easy, love.


Jan. 12th

In sickness and in health

Tender kisses in stealth

Gentle caresses and holding me tight,

There was nothing you wouldn’t do to make me feel better

And now that you cough and stir too

It’s an opportunity to prove

My equal devotion to you.


Jan. 16th

Perhaps every wall is not let down

No, there’s more in our eyes to be found

But what's yours has so quickly become mine

We bare our skin to each other

Share a clementine…


Jan. 25th

When I am the raging sea

You are the port at rest

Your arms, the steel hull of a ship

Your words, the wind in the sails

Your love, the sun rays that push through dark clouds

When my mind or my heart are lost in the crashing waves

Sea sick

You rush to deck to remedy

And with everything you have you defend our love

The storm within me can be unfair, I know

You are a lighthouse guiding me away from my own tempest

Forgive the waves I threw

The unhappiness that thrashes against your kindness

You who stood steady, unwavering

While I brooded, undeserving

I am anchored

Your love is not a shelter from the storm,

But the very calm that can transform it.


Feb. 14th

The sinking of organs in your ribcage,

Stomach bile that rises and a heart that twists

Is that what love is?

Some say its the act of letting go,

Of waiting for your love’s return at their free will

The libertine says it’s a chemical reaction

The valentine says you just know.

I think love changes everyday… 

I think love is slouching over your work one day,

it is caressing your lover with words another.

It is crying on the phone to your mom and dad,

and it is helping your friend when they fall.

It is the compliment you give a stranger on the street,

though you may never have gotten one yourself.

And it is the joke you try to make to someone when you don’t know if you’ll ever speak again.

I fantasize of a day that I know may never come,

but on that day, we walk toward each other

and the bile rises, the heart twists.

Does love wait and linger?

Does it wane and wax?

I think it changes everyday,

and I think the answer will be in our eyes that one, dreamtime day.