A soft coming out; the moments when you realized you weren’t quite straight
Photo by Delia Giandeini on Unsplash
By Olivia McCormack
Throughout our lives, there are moments we will never forget. Losing your last tooth, being told Santa isn’t real (sorry if I’m the one breaking it to you), and realizing you could have a very fulfilling romantic relationship with someone of the same gender. Or more accurately, that you would totally make out with Shego from Kim Possible (this goes for all sexualities and this attraction can truly be interpreted any way you want it to be.)
In my junior year of high school, I was late and thus had to park my car in the far reaches of the parking lot. This was a normal occurrence, as I believed if I set my car clock 2 minutes fast it would prevent this tardiness without me getting up any earlier. As I was approaching the brick school building I remember staring at the crumbling red surface and thinking, “yeah, I think I could have a very emotionally and romantically fulfilling relationship with a woman,” immediately followed by “oh no, I don’t think I want to get into that right now. I need to get to math.” So I didn’t, for years. But that’s when I first remember concretely admitting that to myself.
Here are some other “that’s kinda gay of me” moments that made people realize they were, in fact, kinda gay.