A Reminder on Classroom Etiquette for the Class of 2026

by Marissa Sasso

With the class of 2026 starting to commit to AU, as well as in-person classes returning a quarter of the way through this semester, we at The Rival American would like to remind students about proper classroom etiquette. These guidelines will help to ensure that our return to in-person learning continues in the smoothest way possible. All these etiquette lessons can be applied to any class, regardless of what school they’re in, but they will be most effective in any classes within the School of International Service (SIS).

  1. Ask the professor what the due date is for the assignment that they just said the due date for. This will let them know that you’re a diligent student that double checks their sources.

  2. Create a class GroupMe. Ask your peers when the assignment is due again, just to triple check. This will also help the less intelligent students to remember the due date thanks to your grace.

  3. When you answer a question incorrectly in class, make sure to lower your head onto the desk or table you’re sitting at. Don’t put your head up for at least one minute and forty-two seconds. This will show the professor how deeply ashamed you are for disrespecting their time and expertise by not knowing the answer. It will also demonstrate to your less intelligent classmates that this is a rarity for you, and that you will still destroy them intellectually on the next question.

  4. If you ever have to ask your professor a question about an assignment via email, make sure you don’t tell your classmates what your professor’s response was when they ask for it in the GroupMe you created. Remind them that they also have an email account and that they should mind their own business.

  5. In said email, make sure to ask your professor one more time when the assignment is due, just so they know that you care.

  6. On the day that the assignment is finally due, make sure you raise your hand when the professor mentions states this fact. Announce that you were a bit confused about it. Bring up exactly what you said in your email, even if they responded to it. This will show your classmates that you did email the professor with questions because you are more intelligent than them, as well as reminding your professor that you sent that email because you are a hardworking student who will hopefully get a hillternship next semester!

Best of luck to the class of 2026 and to all of our SIS majors in need of assistance!

Campus, SatireMarissa Sasso