What to do if Your Man is Cheating on You With a UCS Star Destroyer


By Lucas Trevor

We’ve all been there. You think it’s going great. He’s special, he’s different, he’s not like the other dudes you’ve dated. He doesn’t put you down. He’s the kind of guy who makes you feel special. You can watch what he likes, he’ll watch what you like. He might even be “the one”? 

But you simply can’t ignore the signs anymore. He smiles at his phone then tells you it’s nothing. When you’re apart he doesn't Snapchat you but his score still goes up. He’s constantly whispering to his friends about something then tells you, “don’t worry about it.”

You can’t keep doing this to yourself. How many times will you ignore the imprint of plastic dimples on his skin when he comes back from ‘being out.’ What about the orange brick removers filling his pockets. You try and keep the thoughts away but you can’t help seeing him take the Ultimate Collectors Set Imperial Star Destroyer (#75252) apart and put it back together.

What can you do? What should you do? Do you confront him? Do you go over and confront the Star Destroyer? Do you offer to help him build the Star Destroyer? 

Here’s how to do it -- confront your man and either fix or move past this relationship.

Don’t confront your man before you have evidence, and DON’T confront your man before you’re ready. If he’s really seeing this UCS Star Destroyer behind your back, other people will have probably noticed. Talk to your friends and see what they think. Hopefully they’ll support you throughout the process, and they can help you get ready to talk to him.

When you do confront him, make sure you know what to say. He can deny having seen the set (and he will), but he can’t deny the way he made you feel. Come with receipts -- like a receipt of him purchasing the Star Destroyer from Target. He won’t see this coming, but you finding out isn’t going to shock him. Expect him to get defensive, and put the blame on you. If you know what you’re going to say beforehand and you’re ready for that push back, you’ll be able to handle anything

One of my closest friends caught his ex IN THE ACT with a Duel on Naboo (#75169). He hasn’t been able to trust anyone the same since. The set was only 208 pieces but it still honestly broke him. After this conversation it’s very possible your relationship will be over. Let yourself grieve, but you will be able to move on soon. Don’t let this man take from you what you gave him. You’re more than just a bag of plastic and a 17 hour build time for experienced builders (closer to 20 hours for less experienced ones). You’re a person. And you deserve to be treated like one.