University Bestows Highest Honor on Student’s Chalking

The University states that it is thrilled to see an appropriate use of chalk

by Natalie Peek

Complex problems students filled the Letts/Anderson Quad with joyful colors in a “temporary chalking.” American University was absolutely thrilled to see their new curriculum paying off, causing students to consider their spaces and alter them to create temporary changes, much like many of the non-profits their students will make for their resume. For this reason, American University bestowed one of the highest honors, a post on their instagram page: “thanks to the tactical urbanism freshman complex problems seminar, whose aim is to do something temporary to enact a permanent change in the space.”

Previous chalking endeavors by Fossil Free AU students did not receive this highest honor, instead getting such honors as “job action” and “fines equalling $1240.” While similar in washability and colors used, the tactical urbanism work had a certain “je ne sais quoi” which could be attributed to the fact that it didn’t confront American University’s $19 million dollar investment in fossil fuels. The tactical urbanism group did have the upper hand because a part of the conduct code clarifying chalking guidelines was put on a cute little sign outside MGC verifying where students could place their protest and their chalk.

CampusThe Rival American